Accent Adjustment
Accent adjustment, accent modification and accent reduction all refer to the same process: lessening the negative effects of an accent to maximize effective communication.
An accent can add interest and charm the listener with its unique qualities. But if your accent prevents you from communicating clearly – whether it’s making a telephone call to a stranger, doing a deal-making presentation at work or interacting with colleagues at a social event – then it’s stopping you from achieving all you want. Learning the skills to modify your accent will help you become a more confident and effective communicator in the workplace and beyond.
Have you ever felt that the other person is not listening to you but focused on your accent? The greater the effort you spend making yourself understood, the less energy you have to achieve larger life goals.
Your accent is more about how your brain processes speech than how your tongue moves.
- What makes an accent an accent? - Understand why accent modification can be well as one way to learn new sounds.
Test yourself with our Accent Adjustment Self Evaluation Quiz
If you answer Yes for three or more of the questions below you will benefit from accent modification therapy
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